Pictures speak 1000 words

Rather then writing today I am just going to include some images from my weekend. Enjoy 🙂

Friday Morning:  It’s early and it’s Friday.

Sonya Madden – Friday morning

Friday Afternoon:  Surprise flowers delivered to my office! Thank you Leonie!

Sonya Madden flowers

Flowers from my dear friend Leonie Dawson

Saturday Morning: My “hello weekend” morning ritual. Breakfast at a cafe with a good book. It’s a great way for me to separate my working week from my non-working weekend. I am a early riser, even on Saturday, and this cafe opens at 7am – bonus!

Badde Mannors cafe glebe

Badde Mannors cafe in Glebe

sonya madden breakfast

Breakfast – sour-dough, pesto, tomato, feta and avocado with a soy coffee.

Saturday night: My first experience witnessing a live Roller Derby match!

My first live Roller Derby match in Sydney – #SydneyDerby

Unicorns vs Deviants – Unicorns (purple and gold) won. Was great to watch